Focus on elder abuse and neglect

Thu 13 Jun 2013

Age Concern New Zealand is drawing attention the widespread issue of elder abuse and neglect leading up to World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on ...

Age Concern New Zealand is drawing attention the widespread issue of elder abuse and neglect leading up to World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on Saturday June 15.

Age Concern's Always Respected, Never Abused campaign informs people that elder abuse, including financial, material, psychological and physical abuse and neglect, is a widespread issue in New Zealand.  The campaign has also released a powerful two-part television advertisement

In a speech made by the Minister for Senior Citizens to mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, Jo Goodhew estimated between 18,000 and 60,000 older New Zealanders are experiencing elder abuse. Age Concern's Elder Abuse and Neglect Prevention services work to provide education to the aged care sector and work closely with older people and their families to resolve abuse issues and ensure abuse does not re-occur.

Internationally, the National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women has updated its Special Collection: Preventing and Responding to Domestic & Sexual Violence in Later Life and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has published Elder Abuse: Risk and Protective Factors. In New Zealand, more District Health Boards are establishing policies and procedures on Elder Abuse identification and intervention. The New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse has compiled a list of key NZ and international references and resources on Elder Abuse (August 2012).

As part of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, local Age Concerns are holding a variety of activities and events in cities and towns throughout New Zealand.  Donations made during the appeal will fund more services and prevention work around the country.

Image: WEEAD