NZ research: Police officer discretion and family violence risk assessment

Mon 19 Dec 2011

Researchers investigated New Zealand police officers' experiences and  attitudes towards the use of risk assessment techniques as a basis for ...

riskResearchers investigated New Zealand police officers' experiences and  attitudes towards the use of risk assessment techniques as a basis for identifying cases of family violence that are likely to escalate.

 A key finding of the study was that due to time and routine demands, the majority of officers did not complete risk assessment processes in accordance with police policy, even if they supported the policy. The authors advocate for the development of a professional practice model for more effective policing of family violence; including education about the importance of their role as data collectors.

Grant, S., Rowe, M. Running the risk: policer officer discretion and familing violence in New Zelaand. Policing and Society, 2011, 21(1): 49-66.

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