CEDAW Committee questions and NZ Government answers now available

Fri 27 Jul 2012

The (unofficial) record of the NZ Government's recent presentation to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women is ...

The (unofficial) record of the NZ Government's recent presentation to the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women is now available. Concerns raised by the panel's 23 experts included the collection of data on family and sexual violence; forced marriages, polygamy and dowry-related violence; and the increasingly gender-neutral language with respect to domestic and sexual violence.

Minister for Women's Affairs Jo Goodhew responded that violence against women was one of her top priorities, "accepting nevertheless the Committee member’s recommendation to do better."

Clarification was sought on the Whānau Ora approach and how Māori women’s rights were protected within it. The Minister stated that Māori women would not "miss out" under Whānau Ora "because they were the heads of Māori households".

Concerns were also raised about the tightening of eligibility for legal aid and the absence of gender equality action to succeed the 2004-2009 plan.

New Zealand Continues to Uphold Proud Pioneering Record on Women’s Empowerment, Delegation Tells Anti-Discrimination Committee

For background information on the CEDAW Committe and its review of New Zealand, see previous News stories here and here.