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Becoming violence free requires a deep, personal commitment to change. It also requires supportive relationships. Living violence free requires a deliberate decision every day.
Help is available. People who are using violence or worried they might hurt someone can call one of the phonelines or services below.
Family violence and sexual violence services are essential services and will remain available during COVID-19, even if services need to be delivered in different ways.
The Government and the Police continue to take family violence and sexual violence very seriously. Violence is a crime at any time, including during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Phone 0800 HeyBro (439 276) for men who feel they’re going to harm a loved one or whānau member
Call 0800 LIFELINE (0800 543 354) or text HELP (4357). Ask to speak to one of the men's support workers.
Safe to talk (0800 044334 or text 4334): Sexual violence helpline
SHINE (call free 0508 744 633: 9am to 11pm, 7 days a week)
Local stopping violence services can be found on the Te Kupenga Whakaoti Mahi Patunga – National Network of Family Violence Services website.
Free call or text the Mental Health Foundation on 1737.
More information
These websites provide more information for people on changing behaviour:
He Ara Mataora: Tools to Stop Violence - see information for people who are causing harm
The It's Not OK Campaign - see information for people using violence
E Tū Whānau - a movement for positive change developed by Māori for Māori
Pasefika Proud - addresses violence in Pacific families, delivered and led by Pacific peoples