The information and resources for whānau, communities and kaupapa Māori services on this page were brought together by Ngā Wai a te Tūī Māori and Indigenous Research Centre.
These pages are not being updated. Announced in September 2021, Te Puni Kōkiri is providing a one-stop source of information on COVID, the vaccine roll-out and where to go for support for Te Ao Māori.
Also, John Whaanga, Deputy Director-General, Māori Health at the Ministry of Health, provides a daily email for the Māori health and disability sector with the latest COVID-19 updates.
Kia tau te rangimārie
Kia horahia te marino
May there be peace
May the calm be widespread
Pou Kōrero
Ngā kohinga kōrero me ngā uiui hei tautoko i ngā whānau
Conversations, interviews & commentaries to support whānau
Pou Āwhina
Ngā pārongo manaaki me ngā ratonga tautoko
Information on support and services available