Te Whare Māori hei manaaki i ngā whānau i te wā o te mate urutā COVID-19

The information and resources for whānau, communities and kaupapa Māori services on this page were brought together by Ngā Wai a te Tūī Māori and Indigenous Research Centre.

These pages are not being updated. Announced in September 2021, Te Puni Kōkiri is providing a one-stop source of information on COVID, the vaccine roll-out and where to go for support for Te Ao Māori.

Also, John Whaanga, Deputy Director-General, Māori Health at the Ministry of Health, provides a daily email for the Māori health and disability sector with the latest COVID-19 updates.

Kia tau te rangimārie
Kia horahia te marino

May there be peace
May the calm be widespread

Fern frond

Pou Kōrero


Ngā kohinga kōrero me ngā uiui hei tautoko i ngā whānau

Conversations, interviews & commentaries to support whānau


Pou Āwhina


Ngā pārongo manaaki me ngā ratonga tautoko

Information on support and services available


Pou Manaaki

Caring for one another

Ngā hinonga whakapiki ora

Activities to keep well and safe