Information service

This guide is to help you make the most of the New Zealand Family Violence Clearinghouse. The website provides access to the work of the Clearinghouse, your national centre for family and whānau violence research and information.


The library is a key feature of the Clearinghouse. The library includes an online catalog, a collection of books and other hard copy resources available for borrowing and many items available online. Follow these links to find out more about the library and searching the online catalog.

NZFVC staff can help you find the latest family and whānau violence information, including statistics, resources, research and evaluations.  We can do this via email, phone or in person. We provide this service for policymakers, service providers, researchers, students, media, people affected by violence and the general public.

Depending on availability of staff, we may be able to provide a short list of key references based on a limited literature search. Requests for comprehensive literature searches will be considered by the Directors on a case-by-case basis and a fee for service may be charged.  Contact the Information Specialist.

More Clearinghouse features

For more information about these features follow the links.

News: updated several times a week

Events: lists upcoming training, seminars, webinars, workshops, hui, fono, forums, conferences and community activities which support professional development. Read our events listing policy.

Our work: where you will find our Clearinghouse services and publications

Search the website for keywords on our website (this does not search for content in the library catalog).

Pānui | Newsletter

The Pānui | Newsletter includes the research, resources, news and upcoming events added to the website in the previous month. It’s a great way to stay in touch with developments in the sector. Join our mailing list to receive the newsletter every month.


The timeline identifies milestones in the work to eliminate family and whānau violence in New Zealand from 1867 to today. Find out more about this timeline. Search the website for keywords in the timeline.

Visit the Clearinghouse

You’re welcome to drop in to the Clearinghouse to use the library and meet the team. To arrange to come in or for help finding the information you need, contact us.