Recommended reading on family and whānau violence

Victim/survivors' voices
The Backbone Collective: A National Collective for Survivors of Violence Against Women in Aotearoa New Zealand
Includes reports based on surveys of survivors of violence against women
Wilson, D., & Webber, M. (2014)
The people's report: The People's Inquiry into addressing child abuse and domestic violence
Auckland: The Glenn Inquiry.
Crichton-Hill, Y. (2013)
Women moving away from violence: Planning it - doing it
Christchurch: Christchurch Women's Refuge
It's STILL Not OK! (2010)
Protecting victims, rebuilding lives, sending the right message: A discussion paper written by survivors of domestic violence
Upper Hutt: It's STILL Not OK!
Tolerton, J. (2008)
It's time we started telling these stories
Wellington: Family and Community Services, Ministry of Social Development.
Insight Exchange has created a range of resources centred on the expertise of people with lived experiences of violence, giving voice to these experiences.
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